Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My resolve to do better!

I don't know why, but I want to be a better blogger! Before I went to Europe, I had gotten in the habit of journaling every day (and then got out of it while in Europe...dang it!). When I was getting into the habit of journaling everyday, I started looking at my days differently. I began to look at them and really try and find the exciting things in my day. The days that I normally would have considered boring, I began to find something interesting in them, whether it be something at work, or something at home or church or school or wherever, I began to find that at the end of the day, there was so much I wanted to write down, and so much that I wanted to remember!

While I was in Europe, I *kept* a blog, www.bloggingfromeurope.blogspot.com and while I didn't update it every day, I did go back and blog the whole trip (almost...) because I don't ever want to forget that trip! And now that I've been back a whole week, there are so many things that I've done that I want to remember and share! And I want to be better at posting pictures!


To make me want to do this, I need people to actually be reading it and commenting because knowing someone is out there, wanting to read my blog makes me want to keep writing so I don't lose them (like I have...)

So, I've opened up my blog again, so that it isn't private anymore.

I won't be posting about every little thing, but there are definitely things I want to share, and I really want to start doing flash back posts.

I'm not taking classes this summer, and have plenty of time to blog, and for as much time as I spend reading other blogs, I can definitely do some posts of my own!

And so it begins.

My summer of blogging!

*and if anyone knows how to do one of those cool signature things that posts to the bottom of my posts, leave me a comment!*