So I started a new semester...already! Christmas break was way too short! I worked most of it, which was fine. Long, but fine.
I got my grades back too, and they were exactly what I was expecting. Nothing fantastic (except for Chinese) but at least they were not lower that what I was planning on them being. Believe it or not, my lowest grade was in New Testament.
This semester I am hoping my religion (D&C) professor is much better! I haven't had the class yet (I have it in 30 mins), so I'll have to report back, but I read great things about him.
I am currently in 4 classes and trying to get into another one. They are: Chinese 102, Humanities 201 (like from BC to 1500 AD), Stats 221 and D&C. I am trying to get into a PDBIO class...we'll see if it happens. I went to the class yesterday, and there were about 40 kids sitting on the floor...thats how many people want to get in. Hopefully though!! Otherwise I'll just be taking 12 credits. I was going to take an intro to public health class, but I'm pretty set on being a Biology Teacher that I didn't want to take the class and make my major decision any harder. And I haven't regretted dropping the class, so I figure that is good!
I also have my new work schedule, and sadly I work on Saturdays now. So I work Mon 8-12, Wed 8-12, Thrs 9-12, Fri 7-11 and Sat 4 hours (rotating). Oh well.
So I think it will be a good semester. I just really hope that I get into the PDBio class that I need. I'd really like to get it over with while I have PDBio stuff fresh in my head.
And I'm super excited to be in Chinese again with all my friends! The class is about 1/2 familiar people and 1/2 new people. And some of the new people are intimidating!!! They are much more advanced than us!!! Oh dear!
Well I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and New Years! I'll have to post about those two events (though I think I did post about Christmas). One of my resolutions (that I just made up) is to blog more. I managed to blog almost the whole month of December, so I'm sure I can blog once or twice a week!