Monday, November 24, 2008


Oh boy. This is the week I've been waiting for since the beginning of October!!! It's Thanksgiving week!!!! Hurray!!! I'm going up to my Aunt Barbara's house for the week, and down to Aunt Linda's for actual Thanksgiving dinner.

I am sooooooooooo glad that it is Thanksgiving. And that I esentially have a week off of school! I had full classes today, and tomorrow (Tuesday) is a Friday class schedule, which means that normally I'd have two labs and a lecture, but both labs are cancelled, and my bio professor said that it didn't matter if we were in class or not. So I'm thinking I'll probably not go. And then I'm going up to SLC tomorrow night! For a nice, relaxing week. It will be marvelous. Even though I won't have internet, I will have TV. I really miss having TV. Even though we had it in China, I didn't watch it because there wasn't any american shows on really. But now that I'm back here, and have access to it, I miss not having time to watch it. And I have two papers to write and a ward directory to do =] It will be marvelous! And I will hopefully start studying for finals.

Once we get back from Thanksgiving break, there is 2 weeks left of school, which means mostly only 4 actually days of lecture, 2 labs, and 5 biology lectures. It is a marvelous thought. But finals is not a marvelous thought. I'm a little worried, but I'm hoping if I just start studying now, all will be well.

And in other good news:


I am sooooooo excited!! Not only to see my family, but to be back in China! This will most likely be the last time I visit, unless my fam is still there next Christmas. But I will most-likely not be going back in the summer (which, why would you go to China in the summer?! its crazy hot!)

So there you have it! I also don't have to work at all this week, which is amazing. I had a rough week at work last week, so this is a very super nice break.

So ya!!!!

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and don't forget to be thankful for all you have. We are all very blessed to live in the USA and have the freedoms we do.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Major, Classes, Papers and More!

So essentially I am procrastinating right now.
But I figured I'd update my blog!

So for the first bit of exciting news!! I know most of you thought that I was majoring in photography, and while I am still going to apply for the major, I officially declared my major as PRE-NURSING! I am super excited! After going to St. George, I realized that is what I really want to do. So I have to start working really hard and keep my GPA up so that I can get in to the program. I don't apply till May, so I have a ways to keep my grades up. And I will apply for photography in February and know by April. So we'll see.

Second, I get to registar for classes for winter semester on Thursday at midnight. As it stands right now, I am planning on taking Book of Mormon, Chemistry (pre-req for nursing), HEPE (PE) English, Human Development (pre-req for nursing) and Intro to Nursing (pre-req for nursing). So I'm super excited, especially for the Human Development class and the Intro to Nursing class. And I also found out today that, if I get into the program, I get to take anatomy! Which means I get to work with cadavers!!! I know that sounds really weird, but I'm really excited! But thats still aways off. Like, a year. Still exciting.

I have also had midterms for the past 3 weeks, and one more next week. Its only been one a week, but still kind of stressful. I also have a biology research paper due on Thursday...which is what I am procrastinating. It will get done...eventually.

Anyway. Its getting cold here in Utah and I'm very excited. It's snowed once! Was all gone by noon but still exciting.

Thanksgiving break is in two weeks! YAY! I cannnnnoooot wait!! So need it. And then,

I LEAVE FOR CHINA!! Well, somewhat soon after that! I leave Dec 18 and will get back Jan 3! So excited...pretty much.

Anyway I'd better go finish my essay. But just wanted to fill everyone in.

And I may or may not be moving to a new dorm room...still not sure.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So as we all know...Obama won the election...338 projected electoral votes sad. I wish that I had looked more into the canadates and made a more informed disicion about who I was voting for, instead of being swayed. But I didn't. So I'm really hoping that maybe everyone just thought McCain was who as supposed to be president, but maybe Obama is who is supposed to be president...I don't know. But all I hope is that things will turn around in America so that we can start going up hill instead of down...

At least things are looking good for Prop 8. Currently it is 54% yes, 46% no. But that is only 15% of the precincts having turned in their who knows...

I'm thinking of moving to Canada... =]

Actually I'd rather move to China and become one of their citizens, but I think I'll get more freedoms in America =]

(Those are just a joke...except that I do want to move to Canada and back to China =])