Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

Ok, so my birthday was...13 days ago, but I can still celebrate right =] I turned the big 21 this year...I'm officially and legally an adult everywhere and (as far as I know) can legally do everything except rent a car. Really? Why do I have to be 25 to rent a car?? They really should make it 21 to rent a car and 25 to drink. Bizarre.

I didn't do a whole lot for my birthday, nothing in fact. I worked...though I did go home and my mom had made me a chocolate cake for my birthday =] It was delicious. And I got Cafe Rio for dinner, which is always delightful. We celebrated again on Wednesday by having Dickey's BBQ for dinner (so good!) and then we left on Thursday for a family reunion up in West Yellowstone! That was so much fun! Almost all of the family was there, and it was great to just be able to sit and visit with cousins who I don't get to see very often. We had a family meeting and I made and announcement (I'll make it on the blog in a few weeks, once some things are more set in stone) but I'm very excited for this up coming year!

School starts in 16 days and I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not...I've got some good classes but I have better things to look forward to after this semester, that this semester could potentially go by really slow! Or it could go by really fast =]

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