Saturday, December 18, 2010

Provo Tabernacle Fire

So as many of you may (or may not) know, the Provo Tabernacle burned down over the course of the last two days. I went out to see it yesterday (Friday) and to take some pictures. The fire was still burning 12 hours after it started, and continued to burn for about 24 hours. The reason for this was because when the roof collapsed, it trapped all the debris underneath and since the firefighters couldn't go inside, they were only able to poor water on top of everything, which never could get to the underneath debris. Last night on the news I was watching the clips and footage that they got of the fire, and I noticed in one of the clips that, in the doorway, you could see a picture of Christ. The weird thing was that the whole picture was burned, except for Christ. I kind of thought I was just seeing things, until I came across this blog post:

And then I realized I really had seen something! It saddened me though because I figured the picture would be gone by the time I got there the next day. I went over today and I knew which door I needed to go to to see if by some miracle the picture was still there. Pretty much everything inside the tabernacle had been burned and fallen down by this morning, and the wall that the picture had been on was no longer there. I figured the painting had perished, but it was still neat to think about. Tonight, I was looking at more articles on the fire and noticed that one of the articles had new pictures. I opened up the pictures and you will never believe what they were of. The firefighters had saved that painting! They went in and got it and truly everything in the painting was burned except for Christ. You can see them here: I really could not believe that. I don't know when they rescued the painting, but I hope it gets preserved. To me, that was a testament that the Lord's hand really was in all of this. For the painting to have been sparred in the way that it was is just incredible. It is literally a perfect circle around Christ. Amazing.

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