Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I think I have finally found a Religion teacher I love at BYU!!

He is my new D&C teacher and his name is Scott Esplin. He is absolutely fantastic and I am very excited to learn about the Doctrine and Covenants this year!! We do have to write a paper, but I'm not worried because I'm just happy to have a religion professor that I am excited about on the first day of class!! Luckily he teaches the second half of D&C so I'll be taking it from him!

Just had to let everyone know that I'm really excited!!!


Kathy said...

Yay! That's good news. Grandpa Alan loved the D&C. When ever I hear people get excited about it it makes me think of him.

Love the blue!

Meg said...

Having an awesome religion professor makes a huge difference.